It’s been announced that the creation of Ruddington’s long awaited “safe” footway from Clifton Road via the Old Station Drive development directly into the Pasture Lane Estate will finally begin this Monday!
The news follows a seven year campaign launched by former Parish Councillor Barbara Breakwell, after residents from the new housing complained of their “dangerous” daily walk, especially with young children. The single, narrow footpath over the former railway bridge beside (the now very busy) Clifton Road {left} has remained their only access to the northern end of the village because the safer parallel footway/cycleway route which appeared on plans by the original property developer over a decade ago was never built.
The frustration came to a head when a petition containing some 570 signatures in favour of the scheme was handed to Nottinghamshire County Councillors by Ruddington’s representative Reg Adair last September. Villagers from the Pasture Lane Estate began this petition to urge Crest Nicholson and Nottinghamshire County Council to get on with building a safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to their homes. The Council has blamed having to sort out complex land ownership issues and access rights for its previous lack of progress with this.
The petition seemed to do the trick, as subsequently a report was presented to the Communities and Place Committee on the 6th September 2018 which can be viewed >>HERE<<. It is Agenda Item 9, Numbers 29-33. Following discussions, after hearing the arguments from both sides, the Committee voted in favour of proceeding with the delivery of the footpath as proposed. Cllr Cottee said they had reached this decision “…due to the significant benefits it will deliver to Ruddington residents, including many vulnerable school children.”
Preliminary clearance work on the route finally began last month. This was for Highways agent Via East Midlands to undertake further surveys to enable it to develop the detailed design drawings required. These have just been published and can be downloaded in PDF form >>HERE<< and >>HERE<<.

In a statement today, the County Council told us: “Works to construct the new shared footway are due to start next week (w/c 7th January) and likely to take 10 weeks to complete. The works will include the removal of existing ground slabs and part of the old brick platform, installing new drainage, bollard lighting, fencing, planting trees and new footway.”
Barbara Breakwell broke the news via social media, and commented: “I started this campaign 7 years ago but, as they say, ‘everything comes to those who wait’!” Her considerable efforts have been praised by Ruddington Borough Councillor Jean Greenwood and by Pasture Lane resident Kay Garrett, who said: “Barbara has been a wonderful ambassador for those of us affected by this (all of whom bought houses having been assured of imminent safer access). It would have been very easy for her to walk away in the face of endless loopholes and legalities – thank you Barbara!”
Not EVERYONE has been in favour of the new access, though. Station Road residents who face having the new footpath and cycleway just feet away from their homes have complained they were not properly consulted during the protracted planning process. Wayne Swift explained: “All those that want the footpath have not thought of the impact it will have on residents on the route – and the likely anti-social behaviour on the new footpath which will run about one metre away from my house” {pictured}. Also it is going to destroy over a 100 year old railway platform from the old Ruddington Station which is now a heritage railway! Neighbour Sean Powrie added: “There is a plethora of wildlife living around the area including hedgehogs, squirrels, bats, butterflies, and many different birds to name but a few – this is their natural habitat which development of a path will kill off.”
However it seems the objectors have lost their battle to prevent the path, and Nottinghamshire County Council responded that it has been listening: “Residents impacted by the scheme were consulted at design stage and have seen the final design. The lighting, fencing and soft landscaping design have been designed taking into consideration the concerns raised by the residents.”
We’ll keep you posted with further developments and new images of the work as it happens here at